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English-Hindi > spathic iron ore

spathic iron ore meaning in Hindi

spathic iron ore sentence in Hindi

पटलित लोह अयस्क
स्पैथिक लौह अयस्क
iron    कठोरता पिस्तौल
iron ore    कच्चा लोहा खनिज
ore    कच्ची धातु अयस्क
1.Spathic iron ores are rich in manganese and have negligible phosphorus.

2.It also had six wharfs at Newport Docks, the hematite mine in the Forest of Dean, and spathic iron ore mines in the Brendon Hills and Spain.

3.He is further credited with optimising the yield of Haematite and Spathic iron ore from a fragmented patchwork of lodes in ground which was often soft, wet and difficult.

How to say spathic iron ore in Hindi and what is the meaning of spathic iron ore in Hindi? spathic iron ore Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.